I told my doctor I think I am short sighted. He said that is because,...
Bigfoot does not exist. I should know. I spoke to his twin brother.
I did not know how to build a house. I decided to grow a houseplant.
Because I down loaded so much stuff on my phone, I am now finding it hard to pic
A card player walks into a public bath........
I wanted to get into bodybuilding, but could not get a building permit
I like what you say with your fingers. Text me
HAVE A SUNGREENDAY AT home, work and play
I saw a dollar bill laying on the ground. I had to wake it up.
I painted houses with a paintball gun. My customers did not like the.. work.
It is now legal to put cameras in public bathrooms. Don't worry....
My doctor said I have anger management problems. I went ......
My knife said to me. There is never a dull moment with you.
Today I bought a plain pizza. I am upset because it will not fly.
My transmission told me it was slipping. I said stay off the ice.
Today I had to hide the drugs, because my lawn was getting high.
Yesterday three ladies said to me. Sex for money. I said "I do not need the....
while in the hospital. Mary had a little lamb. The doctor fainted
My secret to being a good baseball pitcher.I sprayed the ball with bat repellent