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"It is now legal to put cameras in

public bathrooms. Don't worry.

They are only for private use."

it is now leagle to put cameras in public bathrooms lime.jpeg

P 11

it is now leagle to put cameras in public bathrooms lime large.jpeg
Sungreen shirt color chart.png

"My doctor said I have anger
management problems.
I went to work and fired my manager."

mary had a little lamb  -  daisy.png

P 12

mary had a little lamb  -  daisy (2).png
Sungreen shirt color chart.png

"My Knife said to me.
There is never a dull moment
with you."

my knife said to me ther is never a dull moment  yellow.jpeg

P 13

my knife said to me ther is never a dull moment  yellow (2).jpeg
Sungreen shirt color chart.png

"Today I bought a plain
pizza. I am upset,
because it will not fly"

today I bought a plain pizza it will not fly  for orchid.jpeg

P 15

orchid webpageI saw a doller bill laying on the ground  i had to wake it up large 3.jpeg
Sungreen shirt color chart.png

"My transmission told me
it was slipping.
I said, stay off the ice."

transmission slipping for printing  large Azalia.jpeg

P 16

transmission slipping for printing  large Azalia large.jpeg
Sungreen shirt color chart.png

"We can be like a butter knife.
Serve a purpose, never hurt
anyone, and spread the gift of joy"

we can all be like butter knives, and never hurt anyone large lime.jpeg

P 18

we can be like butter nife gift of joy for daisy and lime large 1.jpeg
Sungreen shirt color chart.png

"Today I had to hide the drugs,
because my lawn was getting high"

today I had to hide the drugs, because the lawn was getting high - azalia.png

P 19

i told my docter i am short sited  for azalia and lime large 1.jpeg
Sungreen shirt color chart.png


have a sungreen day 3.png

P 20

have a sungreen day 3_edited.jpg
Sungreen shirt color chart.png

"Memories are gifts that we
leave with each other for the
times we can not be together.


Memories are gifts that we leave with each other  2.png

P 21

Memories are gifts that we leave with each other  2 (2).png
Sungreen shirt color chart.png


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